

Salutations...I can promise you this much: I didn't die. I'm still here, completely unharmed...physically anyway. :) Yeah...I disappeared for a while...unfortunately, I didn't have much time to focus on typing away at these keys for a while.

I wanted to make sure I kept up with this blog, simply because I want to prove to myself that I can....consistently. Apparently I already lost that fight, but I'll make up for that.


I'm a fairly scatterbrained individual, so I'm constantly coming up with new ideas and feeling sudden inspiration...

but I have issues with completing them.

So this was just another exercise for me to begin working on that.


I went through with orientation...

I finished my 500 page novel within a few days...

I began waking up at five o'clock in the morning because I am soooo very slow in the morning...

and I walked through the doors of Triton at 7:15 on the morning of September 3rd, 2009.

And so, here I am. Tomorrow is my sixth day of school. I'm pretty used to it already, to be honest. My classes are scattered to the point where I wonder if they simply are finding ways to torture me, but I haven't needed to peek at my schedule since the first day. I have a freshman class of 405 at the moment, plus the sophomores, juniors, and seniors...it's certainly an interesting commute to my classes. Ah, well...I'm rambling now, and I'm pretty delirious...tomorrow's Friday, so I'll have more time for this and will be much less...unsettled. I'll fill in the blanks later. :)


  1. Once you add to your blog daily, you can't live without it. And I can't wait to go to school. I hope they don't try to torture me too.

  2. I know what you mean about starting things out of fits of inspiration and not actually getting around to finishing them.

    And I'm always astounded by people with class sizes that large. My graduating class was a grand total of 75 people.
