
S**t, I made the Yankee hat more famous than a Yankee can.

Whoa...two days in a row. Not bad, huh?

I barely had any homework today, so here I am.
Honestly, for all Honors classes, I sure do have it easy.

Believe me...I'm not implying that what we do is extremely difficult and I'm just above and beyond it. Pu-LEASE.

It's just that...I don't feel like much that we do is too challenging. I went into this school assuming the worst, I guess....

I just thought I would suffer now and focus on my schoolwork, and that it would pay off later.

It will pay off, but I seriously doubt that the work that we're doing at the moment is what gets you into a major IV League university.

On another note, today was the beginning of...

Spirit Week. Woot.

Freshman class DID win 2nd place for hallway decorating though, and that hasn't happened once within the past 10 years or so. Guess that's not bad.

I was never into school spirit. I'm still not. BUT...I had fun with it anyway.

So today, to start of "spirit week", it was hat day. I wore my Yankee cap and got scrutinized and harassed by the swarms of stereotypical Philly fans I'm surrounded by on a daily basis.

Ah, well. I'm used to it, believe me.

I love my English teacher, but she hasn't given us ONE writing assignment yet, and I'm itching to do SOMETHING.

Because my English teacher is the "Freshman class advisor" or something along those lines, she was in charge of the hall decorating this weekend, and she was so happy with the turnout and the results that we had a free period today, which was WONDERFUL.

(I know, I just got done complaining about not having work.)

It was 42 minutes filled with sexual innuendos and stolen items. Yeah...what a day.
That was my everyday last year since I got to sit with the guys at lunch. Now in this big, stupid school, we have screwy schedules and different lunches. I miss those ridiculous, 'eff my life' moments, and at this point they come only once in a blue moon. So, I enjoyed myself.

My mommah's dragging me to ShopRite now, have to go. :)

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